Do take time to read this page. It's by far the most important one on this site and will take just 2-3 minutes.

[Click here if you've come here directly from my Christmas pages, otherwise read on .....]

I admit to enjoying the Christmas season. It's a special time of the year. Okay, it may be overly-commercialised, but the excitement I see in my kids through the month of December and on the day itself (what fun it is to open presents!) gives me immense pleasure and it is something to which most parents can relate.

It's fun to decorate the Christmas tree early December. I like the decorations in the stores, the Christmas music and the kick that kids get from an old man in red they know as Santa. I enjoy the local Christmas parade (small though it may be) and Christmas lights, even though at that time of the year it doesn't get dark where we are till after 9!

As a family, we enjoy the carols that are part and parcel of Christmas. We play tapes at home and in the car and we get along to the community carol-singing time, as well as enjoying carols at church in the weeks leading up to December 25th.

On top of all that, Christmas is special because we understand the reason for the season. As my then 7-year-old informed us a few Christmases back: "It's only 5 days till Christmas when we get lots of presents, just like a birthday ... except it's somebody else's birthday, Jesus' birthday!"

[Continue from this point if you've come here directly from my Christmas pages .....]

At Christmastime we celebrate the birthday of an individual who has made a greater impact on history than any other before or since. The number 2006 tells us how many years ago he was on this earth, yet even today he has hundreds of millions of followers throughout the world.

Jesus Christ was no ordinary man. He made some very extreme claims .....

  • He claimed to be the only way to God: "I am the way, the truth, and the life! Without me, no one can go to the Father (God)."
  • He was audacious enough to state: "I am the light for the world. Follow me and you won't be walking in the dark."
  • He claimed to have power over death: "Everyone who has faith in me will live, even if they die."

So what do we make of such claims? There are really only two options. Either the man was a total phoney or he was who he claimed to be. If the claims Jesus Christ made are true (and there is no doubt in my mind that they are), those of us who do become part of his family will in fact .....

live forever!

This body of mine will die one day (not too soon I hope!), but the real Malcolm will live in the presence of God forever!

Jesus didn't merely "found a religion". After all, what other "religious leader" claimed to be the Son of God? What other "religious leader" claimed that within 3 days he would rise from the dead? Jesus made such claims because he IS the Son of God. Jesus DID rise from the dead. Many of those alive in his day saw him after his resurrection. Many of them subsequently died for holding fast to what they had seen take place.

Outside the Garden Tomb, possibly the actual place where Jesus' body was laid (only briefly).

"He is not here, but is risen!"

In 2006 every one of us has a choice, the most important we will ever make!
It's either one or the other, there's no middle ground .....

  • We regard Jesus Christ as a total fraud and reject him
  • We accept him as the Son of God, place our faith in him and become part of God's family. In doing that, it will change our whole future - and he has promised that we will indeed .....

LIVE FOREVER. Amazing stuff!

However the choice is entirely yours.

Other related pages on same site:
If I'm right
What provision?
One Solitary Life
Alive forevermore

Useful pages offsite:
Peace with God