Trick or treating isn't big at all in Tawa. But there are a number of kids who dress up and go out knocking on doors that one night a year. It's simply a time to have fun with their friends and collect a few (or a heap of) goodies, mostly sweets/lollies. Nothing more, nothing less.

Because it's relatively new on the local scene, many people aren't geared to providing treats to callers. For that reason (and various others), some parents aren't all that fussed about their kids going out and "begging" from relative strangers.

However, realising how much fun the occasion could be for their kids if organised properly, one neighbourhood in Tawa did just that on October 31st, 2002. They found out which families were interested in taking part, and the youngsters from those 10 households knocked on each other's doors. Being spread out over 3-4 streets, and involving a climb up a hill, the whole exercise took close to an hour and saw the kids rewarded with a very satisfying "haul" of goodies.

The pics below show various participants as well as an "unofficial" group who came calling. The first scene depicts the confectionery stockpile prior to being distributed throughout the neighbourhood. [Click to enlarge].

'Past Events' (in Tawa) page

This page compiled November 3rd, 2002