June 25th, 2005

A few shots before heading off to the
Tawa College Senior Formal

This is written from the perspective of a parent who had some idea (but probably not a whole lot) of the goings-on leading up to this year's Tawa College Senior Formal at the Wellington Town Hall in late June. Whether the information given here is entirely accurate is not guaranteed - it's simply how this parent saw things!

The Formal (as it's known) is a big event each year and the kids/students are thinking about it many weeks (even months) in advance, certainly in terms of procuring their outfits. They take part in a number of 'practices' at the school, teaching them the basics in regard to various dance routines. A very sensible idea, otherwise many wouldn't have a clue! And it seems they also have to give a certain amount of thought to "after-Formal parties". That's the time when they really let their hair down and occasionally things get out of hand. Schools themselves have little control over what might happen, and principals are a little on edge even thinking about it.

On the day of the Formal, local hairdressing salons are booked up with girls getting their hair done just right. All up, quite a few dollars are forked out for the outfits they'll be wearing, the hairstyling, and the occasion itself, not to mention the cost of a limousine for those who choose in ride in such style. Starting at 8pm, it's a five-hour event which includes a feed and finishes at 1am. Pre-arranged buses then bring the kids back to Tawa from where they either head home to sleep or head elsewhere for proceedings to continue as described earlier.

The photos on this page were taken at one pre-Formal get-together where about 20 kids got together, along with various parents with their cameras. The kids do dress up very impressively (rather 'classy') for this one-off occasion, although that's possibly two-off for those Year 12 students who are likely to take part again next year. It's a chance for Mum & Dad to take a few (or a whole lot of) very posed photos, and some of these are shown below.

Official photos at the Formal itself can be viewed at: www.prophoto.co.nz. Login: tawa2005.

Official Tawa College site   |   tawalink.com