If I'm right
This is really a continuation of my "Living forever" page. You need to read that one before this.
Okay, you might say that all my talk about Jesus Christ giving us the chance to live forever is a load of old cobblers. There is no God and no life after death.
Let's say you're right and I'm wrong.
If that's the case, when we both reach the end of our earthly existence we will be dead and that will be the end of it. You won't have "wasted" your life on religion and I will have. But what exactly will I have missed out on (because of my "mistaken" beliefs)?
- I might have missed out on doing a few naughty things I might have otherwise done
- I will have missed out on a few hours a week which I spent on "God's business" instead of having had the time for myself
- I will have missed out on a certain percentage (not a huge amount) of my income which went into "God's work" instead of my own pleasures
Other than that, I can't think of a lot I would have "missed out on" if I am wrong. I will have lived a "good life" and been a decent sort of guy all round (I hope!).
However let's say I'm right and you're wrong.
I will have had a reason for living my earthly existence. When we both reach the end of our time here, you will experience an eternity without God and without hope. However I will "live forever" in the presence of God - experiencing a greater happiness and satisfaction than the human mind can hope to imagine.
If I'm right and you're wrong, you have far, far more to lose than I have.
I will be "alive forevermore" and you won't be. Missing out on eternity in the presence of God is the greatest mistake a human being could ever make. All I can say is that you had better be very sure of yourself if you're turning down the God of the universe and your chance of living forever.
I pray that you won't reject such an opportunity. It's not too late to do something about it!