Late Niter
Friday evening, September 19, 2003

Once a year we have an extended programme which runs through to 11pm (instead of the usual finishing time of 9pm). On this occasion we spent the first part of the evening 10-pin bowling, 36 kids evenly distributed on 6 lanes. After that it was back to the church hall for hot chips, a drink and a short talk on what's really important in life. We then settled down for an entertaining 90-minute video, 'Snow Dogs', set mostly in Alaska and shown on a big screen in the hall.

That took us through to about 11pm, time to start dropping everyone home. We managed to fit about half the kids on the church bus which headed off in the general direction of Redwood. Cars dropped off the remainder. The last tired youngsters were welcomed home by a sleep-deprived parent just on the stroke of midnight.

The photos below feature 10-pin bowling action only.

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Page compiled October 2003