The photos on this page give glimpses of the chateaux at Villandry and Langeais on a wet Saturday and a more detailed look at the chateau at Azay-le-Rideau. There's a glimpse of Beauregard on the Sunday and a few shots as we returned to Paris (from where we flew back to England).

57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.

57. Dining outdoors Friday evening in Blois.
58. The chateau at Villandry. Apparently it has very nice gardens, but we didn't pay to see them in the rain.
59. The village street.
60. The village and chateau at Langeais (through the wet windscreen of the car).
61. Narrow street in Langeais.
62. Approaching the village of St-Michel-sur-Loire.
63. Just outside St-Michel-sur-Loire is the Musee Cadillac with the largest collection of Cadillacs outside the US. Interesting to see, but not cheap at the equivalent of $NZ15 each. Unfortunately photographing them (inside) wasn't permitted.
64. On the outskirts of St-Michel-sur-Loire, one of a number of vineyards in the Loire Valley.

65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72.

65-70. The chateau at Azay-le-Rideau - "the chateau exterior on its little island in the Indre is one of the loveliest in the Loire."
71. The old church next to the chateau at Azay-le-Rideau.
72. The long driveway leading up to the Chateau de Beauregard.

73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

73. The relatively little-visited Chateau de Beauregard is just down the road from Blois.
74. The remains of the chapel in the chateau grounds.
75. Roadside view on the way back to Paris.
76. Lunchtime stop at the village bakery.
77. Making a selection.
78. The usual baguette (french stick) and pain au chocolat (tasty pastry with chocolate flavouring), plus extras.
79. Heading past another village en route to Paris.
80. Our Renault Clio (diesel and manual) which served us well over several hundred kilometres. Diesel was the equivalent of $NZ1.40-1.60 a litre, petrol more than $2 a litre.

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Page compiled by Malcolm Sparrow - June 2003