Musical Island Boys' Fundraising Concert
Friday May 6th, 2005 in the Tawa College Hall
This showcase of musical talent was designed primarily as a fundraiser for MIB (Musical Island Boys), the Tawa-based barbershop quartet who in late June will be travelling to Salt Lake City, Utah, USA to compete once again in the Inter-Collegiate Barbershop Competition. Last year they were placed third out of 20 top barbershop quartets. In the history of the competition that was the first time a non-American quartet had been medal winners, and they are hoping to do even better this year.
Other groups taking part in the fundraising concert included Tawa College's highly-regarded Morning Stars, Acafellas, and Maiden Tawa choirs.
Kapa Haka group
Cook Island group
Cook Island dancer
Maiden Tawa
Maiden Tawa
Morning Stars
Extension Chords
Hunkin family
Vocal Accord
Vocal FX
Eventide quartet