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Colonial Grove
Held on Sunday 25th March, 2012
We had a great turnout at our street barbecue. Thankfully the weather was really fine and warm, a bit windy but we had a little shelter from it. We had 35 people including 4 young people, 4 children and a baby, with 7 people from Woodman Drive joining us. We enjoyed catching up with the young people to hear about their studies and career paths.
Mary from "The Wellingtonian" came and stayed for quite some time with us, meeting everyone.
One of the couples from Woodman said they had lived there a few years but hadn't even walked up our Grove before. Our hosts Shelly and Bobby brought out extra chairs and it was great that everyone mixed and mingled, getting to know the new faces before commencing to cook their meal on the two barbecues provided by neighbours. Some of us brought our meal ready-cooked!
The children drew a large chalk picture on the road welcoming everyone to Colonial Grove barbecue. At the end of our meal the young people served up ice cream, hot cross buns and cake. It had got quite cold by then. We started about 5.10pm and finished up at 7.40 pm. A good time was had by all.
- Elaine Harvey