Neighbours' Weekend in Tawa

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Nathan St

Held on Saturday 17th March, 2012

Our "Neighbours Day" started at 4pm and went through till around 8pm, which I think is probably a good indication that everyone was enjoying themselves!

Although the weather was good, we set up a marquee on the front lawn outside the fence which definitely provided shelter from the light breeze and slightly cooler evening temperatures! A total of 43 people took part in our street BBQ, which was 18 out of 28 houses.

Every household brought their own food and drink and it was cooked and set out buffet style to be shared by all. While the adults mingled and chatted, the younger residents bonded over a game of cricket, which later turned into a game of spotlight after the evening had wound down.

Everyone got to meet others they had never met before and having nametags with first names and house numbers definitely helped to sort out who lives where! We also circulated a list that everyone filled in with their names, house numbers and phone numbers.

Comments we received on the day, and since, were very positive and in favour of an annual event.

- Sandie Gallagher