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Oriel Ave (near no. 91)
Held on Sunday 24th March, 2013
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the "Dell", the buzz was in the air (literally, as a number of wasps quite liked the smell and taste of our freshly baked cupcakes!). The bangers were cooking, the jaws were yapping, and the kids were laughing, even the dogs got introduced to everyone. What a fantastic afternoon it was. Keith Edgar was the winner of our Easter Raffle, although I am not so sure the chocolates actually managed to leave the BBQ, as I saw a number of kids eying up the prize!
We all met neighbours that we had not yet been introduced. I even found out that the lady two houses down works for the same bank in the same building! I would just like to say thanks for the encouragement via the eNewsletters to hold an event. This will certainly be at least an annual place in our calendars.
- Cherie Trewavas