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Pembroke St (upper)
Held on Saturday 22nd March, 2014
The upper Pembroke St BBQ was held on Saturday 22 March. The day gradually improved and the cool southerly breeze kept away for most of the time.
The top of the cul-de-sac was blocked and about 19 people from 10 households, including children, gathered for food and a social time. This was another good opportunity to renew the friendships we made at the BBQs over the last two years. We also wished farewell to one of local residents.
These neighbourhood occasions certainly do help build good community and we are all looking forward to the same time next year. We also hope to revive the neighbourhood watch group over the next few months.
Again a big thank you to the Weavers for the use of their front lawn, and also a thank you to Malcolm Sparrow for arranging the signage, balloons, and other items from the Wellington City Council.
- Doug Miller