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Spicer Place
Held on Saturday 24th March, 2012
In Spicer Place, Greenacres, we sent out invites to 22 households and had 13 people come from six households on Saturday. A good night with indoors shared meal (better weather needs to be organised if you want a barbeque). Had two other houses who contributed food but could not come and sent apologies.
Agreement to perhaps do it again in a couple of months' time. Though we all live together fairly closely in one end of our cul-de-sac, it was acknowledged that we didn't know each other very well.
Lots of talking and sharing.
Spicer Place did have another street barbeque five weeks back and this would have gathered up 10 households and probably about 30+ people (lots of kids) - this was largely a different group to that on 24 March. Between the two we have had 14 households out of 22 attend and a further three send food or apologies because of other events.
- Bill Darnell