Neighbours' Weekend in Tawa

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St Edmund Cres

Held on Sunday 25th March, 2012

Some 45 to 50 people including younger ones attended the St Edmund Cres BBQ on Sunday from 12 to 2pm.

Perhaps the outstanding feature was the visit of one of the Tawa fire engines complete with crew. This allowed the young ones and the not-so-young ones to get close up and personal and see how they work. This included a trial sprinkling of the hose !!

Also in attendance was the Tawa Community Patrol car under the control of Peter Lockery. There was much interest in this community project and one resident signified his intention to enlist as a volunteer.

Many of the residents of the street who had not met greeted their street counterparts with the question "How long have you been in the street?" Replies ranges from 35 years to just a few months.

It was certainly a great way to meet neighbours, with the weather playing its part for the gathering.

- Bill Russell