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Sunrise Boulevard
Held on Sunday 25th March, 2012 at 5pm
"Middle" Sunrise Boulevard had a very successful neighbourhood BBQ on Sunday, having postponed it from the Saturday because of the weather.
20 households were invited, and 15 households came along. Two households were unable to come because the day changed - otherwise we would have had two more. Adults and kids together, we totalled 39 people on the day.
Everyone said how much they appreciated the opportunity to meet the neighbours and asked that it happen again. People got into the spirit of the occasion and there was plenty of talk and laughter, as well as eating and drinking. Nametags with the street number on them were a big help in determining who was who and where they lived.
The kids also had a great time and turned the tarpaulin on the lawn into a slide. In short, a great success and worth repeating next year.
- Brenda Stickley