Wednesday December 8th, 2004 saw a large group of young musicians from Tawa and beyond take to the stage and provide a wonderful evening's entertainment.
The Musical Extravaganza was held in the Redwood School hall under the directorship of Sandra Logan and an able team of parents and staff. A huge quilt provided a fitting backdrop for the stage along with Christmas trees and lights, setting the scene for what was a very special evening for all.
The programme began with dimmed lights and an off stage violin trio, and then we were treated to the Tawa Intermediate School Orchestra playing "Jig Along". From there flowed a varied succession of violin group pieces, solos, chamber music, even a taste of acting and finished with the combined Redwood School and Tawa Intermediate Orchestra playing a rousing movie theme.
Finishing in good time (about 70 minutes), we enjoyed a classy supper together to celebrate.
Many thanks to all the students involved and congratulations for a wonderful performance.
With about 75 participants including stage crew, photography and supper team this production was no mean feat and we know the enthusiasm and cooperation shown will continue to grow as we head into 2005.
- Sandra Logan