Saturday evening, February 12, 2005

I was one of the drivers at Youth Group (Tawa Baptist) this past Saturday evening. The activity was a 'Photoshoot' in which each carload of four kids/participants was given a camera and a list of more than 20 photo options, e.g. take a photo of your group forming a human pyramid. We had approximately three hours in which to complete the exercise, and every photo had to include in it a 'team mascot' which each team chose for itself before setting out.

I didn't keep a track of how many kilometres we covered, but most of our photos were taken in Tawa itself, apart from a small number in Porirua which we visited for our 'soft-serve' and 'standing in the water' shots. In addition to the photos taken on the official camera, I took a few extras which are shown below. Even for me whose role was simply that of chaffeur, the evening was a whale of a lot of fun.

- Malcolm Sparrow

With a famous person (300 points).
In this case, Charlotte Murray of Tawa musical fame - and international musical fame.
With at least two people in a shopping trolley (300 points). With thanks to Woolworths!
The whole group standing on the Tawa College sign (300 points) - or sitting, if you prefer. One of the four random, creative shots (300-1,000,000 points) we were permitted to take.
An abandoned car (300 points).
This one appeared to have been deserted on the Tawa College grounds.
Spelling TAWA with bodies (550 points).
Okay, so you do have to use a little imagination!
Another random, creative shot (300-1,000,000 points) at the College. Eating a soft-serve ice cream being held by another person (400 points). This was the aftermath of that!
A crab (400 points).
No one said it had to look like it was about to be eaten - that was for the worm photo!
Every team member up to their knees in water (300 points) which would have been a lot easier if the tide had been in.
Whole group in the 'boot' of the vehicle (400 points). Hopefully this qualifies - they landed up in the back of the paddy wagon at the police station! Whole group with clothes on backwards (1000 points). By now you should have worked out what the team mascot was - unfortunately it didn't quite make it into this shot!

A few of the photos taken on the official camera(s)

A random, creative shot (300-1,000,000 points) - with one of the McDonald's crew. Maximum number of hats on heads (50 points/hat). There are at least 13 here!
Enacting a story from the Bible (950 points). This is a baptism in the Porirua stream - even though it looks very much like a throttling.
Another team with their whole group in the boot of the vehicle. Same other team with maximum number of hats on heads.

Page compiled February 14, 2005