An ex-pat's Tawa photos

These photos, taken within the past few months, were sent to us very
recently by Sarah Stewart, a former Tawa resident now living in Melbourne.

Looking towards Tawa School from Tawa Tce, with Duncan St (and the railway) in the immediate foreground.

Click on pic to go to enlargement.
Heading into Tawa from the south, featuring the floral Tawa sign.
Self-explanatory - well, it is if you live in (or have visited) Tawa. More about the sign here, also see last week's pic.
The train heading into the distance (northwards) from Redwood Station.
Looking southwards at the railway crossing on Tawa St. Note the southern platform of Redwood Station in the distance on the left.
At the intersection of ... well, you can see for yourself.
Non-stop freight train passing through Redwood Station.

Pics from earlier weeks