The start of the school year in Tawa - February 2007

This one was taken on what was actually the very last day of school at Tawa College in 2006 - late morning Thursday 14th December, showing 'junior students' heading home for the summer break.
Now to 2007. Assembly in the hall on the very first day of the school year at Tawa Intermediate, 9.17am Wednesday 7th February, featuring the new principal, Mrs Stuart, and the Deputy Principal, Ms Bray-Burns, and a number of new students.
Welcoming the Year 9s to Tawa College early afternoon on Wednesday 7th February
- courtesy of (where you'll find a larger version of this pic).
End of the day outside Redwood School the same day, Wednesday 7th February - home time in Redwood Ave shortly after 3pm.

Pics from earlier weeks