This one is entitled "Looking across the park". Initially we didn't specify where this scene was set. We were interested in knowing if anyone could figure out where it was. We thought that the setting was unlikely to be recognised by anyone viewing the page from out-of-town and unfamiliar with Tawa. We were also interested in knowing if anyone actually looks at this page!
By the following week we had had no response whatsoever. And then came one solitary email from the other side of the world, Cambridgeshire in England, to be precise. Fred got it right. It's the park (or playing fields if you like) at, or alongside, St Francis Xavier School on the Main Road, Tawa, looking in a westerly, or slightly northwesterly, direction. The houses in the foreground are in McKeefry Grove.
So well done, Fred! If we had a prize, you'd be the winner (but, sadly we don't - and anyway the chocolate bar could very well melt en route from Tawa to Cambridgeshire).