Tawa Community Pot Luck Meal - May 2008

Report 1, from Joy Pearce, one of the "organising committee" for the pot luck functions:

On Saturday May 24th, a Community Pot Luck Supper was held in the Tawa Community Centre. Over 80 people came bringing food to share. The Sri Lankan community had been invited to tell us about their country so, after the food, this was done superbly by a young school girl and was followed by a beautiful dance performed by some others. We were privileged to have the Consul of Sri Lanka and his wife as our guests that evening too.

This is our second such occasion and is showing us the diversity of people living in our area. It is being much appreciated by both longtime and new residents. We have had no idea, ahead of time, how many people will come but have been most encouraged by the two evenings held so far and plan to have similar occasions every two months or so.

Report 2, from Malcolm Sparrow (covering the same function), was sent to the local newspapers:

Tawa Community Centre hosted its second bi-monthly community pot luck meal on Saturday 24th May. The event attracted a wide cross-section of people, about 80 all up.

With the evening having a "slight Sri Lankan slant", a good number of local Sri Lankan people were present. Guests enjoyed both 'ethnic' food and regular kiwi food which was all pooled to give everyone a chance to sample a variety of dishes.

The meal was followed by 9 year old Amali, a local Sri Lankan girl, giving a short speech on the land of her birth, which she did exceptionally well. Danny, a leader in the Sri Lankan community, then answered a few questions about when he came to Tawa and why. The Sri Lankan Consul, Mr Aruna Abeygoonesekera, another honoured guest, explained briefly his role as honorary consul, and the evening was rounded off with five girls performing a Sri Lankan dance.

The next community meal, with a mid-winter theme, is scheduled for late July.

[Click on various pics to enlarge].

Pics from earlier weeks