Tawa Safety Seminar

"Organisers of the Tawa Community Safety Seminar held last Saturday (19th October) say they were delighted with the enthusiastic response from the public. More than 50 people attended the two hour seminar which brought together Police, Neighbourhood Support, the Tawa Community Patrol, the Tawa Volunteer Fire Brigade, Civil Defence and WEMO (Wellington Emergency Management). The seminar was prompted in part by a recent television programme "Aftershock".

Civil Defence are looking for more volunteers and offer training throughout the year. For more information or to find out where your nearest Civil Defence centre is, contact WCC on 499 4444. Anyone interested in starting their own Neighbourhood Support group or becoming a Community Patrol volunteer can contact the Tawa Community Police Office in Cambridge Street or email tawacp@gmail.com.

- from CityLife Porirua, October 24-30, 2008

The above pics show:
   - the local Police officer talking about the work of the Community Patrol
   - members of the Tawa Volunteer Fire Brigade providing safety tips .
   - local Civil Defence volunteers responsible for various local centres. .
     From left, Elaine Harvey (Greenacres), Steve Mulholland (Takapu/Grenada North),
     Rebekah Rogers (Linden), Graeme Hansen (Linden), Colin Miller (Redwood).

Pics from earlier weeks