Colonial Knob Fun Run/Walk
Around 45 people took part in a walk to the top of Colonial Knob on the afternoon of Sunday, April 5th. The occasion was organised by Tawa College to raise funds for World Vision's 40 hour Famine, with a small number of hardy souls actually running most, if not all, the way.
Having met in the carpark alongside Elsdon Camp, participants proceeded to head up the track through the bush. After a lot of uphill slog and more than 700 wooden steps later, the track comes out into the open again at about the halfway point. From then it seems much easier going, with a more gradual climb despite, on this occasion, a reasonably blustery 'breeze' on a rather overcast day.
The walk to the top generally takes an hour or so. On a good day the views are great, extending as far as the airport to the south and Kapiti Island in the other direction. Much of the Tawa basin can be seen along the way as well. Restricted visibility this particular Sunday afternoon meant that even Mt Kaukau couldn't be seen, let alone the airport.
The return leg was all downhill - but of course! It was a fun outing for all involved (well, we hope it was), and helped towards Tawa College's overall target of $20,000 for World Vision's Famine.
[Click on pics to enlarge].
Participants wore t-shirts representing Tawa College's six different
'houses' - Mansfield (green), Blake (purple), Rutherford (blue),
Sheppard (red), Hillary (orange), Te Kanawa (yellow). |
Brief pause whilst heading up the track through the bush. |
Walkers heading up and runner heading down. |
The very top of Colonial Knob. The curve in the power lines is directly attributable to the strong wind at this particular point. |
Striding out the last few metres to the top. |
Open countryside on the upper half of the trek. |
A certain participant (at left) with one of the 'stewards' wrapped up against the wind. |
Back at base - hot sausages, cold drinks, etc. |