Takapu Island update

There are still a lot of questions in regard to what is actually going to be constructed in the area known as 'Takapu Island', immediately south of Tawa. What we do know is that earthworks have been taking place for some considerable time, and that eventually two roundabouts will be in place - one at the end of the offramp from the motorway, and the other where traffic heads into (or out of) the Takapu Island development.

The shots below show how things looked on an overcast Sunday afternoon in mid-June 2009.

For photos of Takapu Island dating back 18 months or more, plus a writeup on what is taking place, click here and here.

[Click on pics to enlarge].

 Way up on the 'island' itself - looking southeastwards
 towards the motorway.
 View from the 'island' looking in a northwesterly
 direction past the Takapu Road Station carpark
 into Tawa. [Large pic].
 Construction of the new offramp from the
 More of the the new offramp.
 Heading into Tawa. Construction of the 'second'
 roundabout has started just past the blue car.
 The northern part of the would-be roundabout,
 protruding into Willowbank Park at left of pic.

Pics from earlier weeks