Frost in Oriel Ave

We've had the occasional frost this winter so far, and it's still early days yet. The cold isn't so bad if it results in a nice day afterwards. These pics were taken in Oriel Ave in Redwood (Tawa) shortly before 9am on Friday, 19th June 2009, and show the frost and haze/smog in keeping with a chilly winter's morning. The car thermometer shows the outside temperature as still being very low at 10.35am. It did warm up to 9 or 10 degrees within a few hours.

[Click on pics to enlarge].

I made the following comments in the community newsletter I sent out about that time:

"On Wednesday night (immediately before the above pics) I left Tawa about 6.25pm to head into town for Tawa College's June Tunes concert which, by the way, was very enjoyable (well, most of it was, even to a musical 'pleb' like me). But I digress. The car thermometer showed the outside temperature was 3 degrees as we left home. By the time we got into town it had risen to 7 degrees. The reverse applied on our return. We started out shortly before 9pm with the temperature around the 7 to 9 mark. Coming back on the motorway near Johnsonville it was down to 4 degrees, 3 as we neared Tawa, and 2 by the time we got home.

All very interesting - I guess the point I'm making is that in the winter-time it can be several degrees colder in these parts than in central Wellington. Which is evidence we're a hardier breed out this way (but we already knew that)."

Pics from earlier weeks