Tawa Community Pot Luck Meal - June 2009
On Saturday, 20 June 2009 our community pot luck meal was hosted by Mana Tiaki, Tawa's community urban Maori group. Other people brought their usual share of food, and those associated with Mana Tiaki went in together on a big cook-up which meant that there were plenty of tasty morsels to be had by the 90 or so people present on the night.
The College Formal also took place that evening, affecting two or three people, and the All Blacks played France in miserable conditions at the Stadium (14-10), which meant that a small number of guests headed off early. That aside, it was another successful occasion rounded off with everyone in the Community Centre hall to enjoy a few items from the Mana Tiaki youngsters, as in the photos below.
[Click on pics to enlarge].