. A Tawa Intermediate School Production  -  23-25 June 2009 .

THE STORY SO FAR ... [as per the programme blurb]

As New Zealanders we are often faced with the question - who are we and what makes us Kiwis? As we try to answer this question we need to acknowledge our origins, where our ancestors travelled from, what they encountered on arrival and how they have contributed to our communities and culture as a whole.

New Zealand is a bicultural nation with a muticultural population. This is what makes us different to other countries. In this story Tawa Intermediate students delve into this issue and try to discover for themselves what it is that makes us Kiwi and what it is that is unique and special about being a New Zealander.

Peter Jackson and his assistant have arrived in Tawa to look for kids who represent the "real New Zealander" and this sparks a flame of curiosity between the students in the class. Neither PJ or the students realise what it is they are about to discover ...

In a class with this many dynamics, insults will fly, feelings will be hurt and some consensus will hopefully be found.

Will the students find common ground? Will Peter Jackson find what he is looking for?

If you saw the show you'll probably know the answer to those questions. The photos below are a mere sampling of what it was all about and, unfortunately, many other worthwhile 'scenes' were not captured at the time by this particular photographer.

Peter Jackson and his assistant; TIS students; Pouakai syndicate - India; Toroa syndicate - Pacific Islands
Gumboot song dancers; Huia syndicate - South Korea; Kakapo syndicate - UK & Ireland
Dance Academy hillbillies; Piwakawaka syndicate - Greece; Tui syndicate - South Africa; Polynesian/Kapahaka Club

Pics from earlier weeks