The following wording is quoted directly from the front page of the Tawa Community News, the newsletter which is compiled and distributed by the Tawa Community Board to the whole of the Tawa community three times a year. The latest newsletter is being distributed this week, 19-23 April. You should see a copy in your letterbox any day now, if in fact it hasn't already arrived.
"You probably know someone who invests a lot of voluntary time and effort in the Tawa community - in a club or school or church or whatever. If you do, we'd love you to nominate them for the upcoming Tawa Community Civic Awards. By now you should have received in your letterbox a nomination form for the Civic Awards. All you have to do is fill in the name and a few details about that person (or group). Return your form to the Library by 21 May. Local volunteers' contributions to the community will be recognised at an official ceremony [involving the Deputy Mayor] which will take place at the Tawa Community Centre on Friday 11 June."
That basically says it all. The above photo features Tawa Community Board members - the organising committee for the Civic Awards - showing what to do with completed nomination forms. From left Cr Ngaire Best, Robert Tredger (chair), Dennis Sharman, Malcolm Sparrow.
A copy of the nomination form in pdf format is available by clicking here.