Emergency Preparedness session

Around 120 local people turned up at the Linden Social Centre on Wednesday evening, 22 September 2010 to learn tips to help their family to prepare for and survive an emergency of whatever sort, as well as to learn about community preparedness. Fred Mecoy (featured in these pics) of Wellington Emergency Management pointed out that there is no Civil Defence army ready to come to our rescue in the event of a civil emergency. It's up to us to make preparations ourselves!

For those who weren't there, copies of the very useful booklet "It's Easy: Get Prepared for an Emergency" are currently available from the Library and the Community Centre, or print it out yourself: http://www.gw.govt.nz/wellington-region-civil-defence-emergency-management-group-site. It includes tips like ensuring we all have plenty of water stored (which, of course, we already do!), keeping a corded phone on hand, knowing who our neighbours are, etc.

Civil Defence Centres in the Tawa area are Linden School, Greenacres School, Tawa School, Redwood School and Grenada North Park Pavilion.

[Click on the pics to enlarge]

Pics from earlier weeks