It's only in the last year or so that two roundabouts have been constructed between the motorway and the southern entrance to Tawa, alongside the large but currently empty development known as "Takapu Island". The roundabout closer to the motorway is currently being reduced in size (early November 2010), as per the first pic below. In the background (towards the top) is the motorway, SH1.
The bank to the right of the offramp from the motorway is being reduced in height to improve visibility - second shot below.
The third pic shows cars heading through the other roundabout, the one closer to Tawa itself. It's not being altered, even though it could have been built a little smaller so that motorists don't have to swing to the left quite as much to drive through. But that's the opinion of a mere layman. Presumably the professionals who constructed the roundabout knew what they were doing. Let's hope that was the case.
Click here for Takapu Island photo and info from January 2008.
[Click on the pics to enlarge]