Tawa's new community board was officially inducted by the Mayor of Wellington, Celia Wade-Brown, at a ceremony at the Tawa Community Centre last Thursday evening, 11 November.
The board comprises six elected members plus two appointed northern ward councillors, Ngaire Best and Justin Lester. Margaret Lucas and Alistair Sutton are new members on the board.
Malcolm Sparrow was elected chair of the community board. In his acceptance speech Malcolm stressed the importance of raising the board's profile "... so that most Tawa people know we exist and that they are better off because of our efforts." He expressed his desire to see greater communication with various sectors of the Tawa community.
"There are three types of people in this world," he quoted, "people who makes things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who don't even know it's happened." The new community board will be setting out to make things happen in Tawa.
Left to right: Cr Justin Lester, Cr Ngaire Best, Alistair Sutton, Robert Tredger, Mayor Celia Wade-Brown, Malcolm Sparrow (chair), Chris Reading, Graeme Hansen, Margaret Lucas.