The students of Greenacres School have been greatly affected by the tragic earthquake that occurred in Christchurch on 22 February. Year three student, Raihaan Dalwai, thought the school could do something to help, so he called an urgent Student Council meeting where it was decided to hold an ice cream day and also collect donations for a coin trail.
With only two days to organise things the council swung into action with the support of the staff and by lunchtime Friday everything was ready to go. Despite the short notice the whole school community was so supportive and the school had its most profitable ice cream day yet.
The staff of the school were so impressed by the students' efforts that they agreed to match every dollar collected on the coin train. The end result of this fantastic day was that over $1400 was raised, all of which has been donated to help provide aid to the people of Christchurch.
To celebrate our success, the student council was presented with a mock cheque at the school assembly. We as a school are so proud of the initiative shown by our students and the support offered by the community.
- report supplied by Greenacres School
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