Tawa Keas' Bike-a-thon

Tawa Keas (part of the Scouts New Zealand organisation for both boys and girls aged 6 to 8) are raising funds for the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake Appeal in the form of a Bike-a-thon. The Keas are currently working on their Road Safety Badge and thought that they could use this opportunity to raise funds for those in Christchurch who have been affected by the recent earthquakes.

They will have one hour to safely cycle as many laps as they can. Each lap is approximately 230m. 100% of funds raised will go to the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake Appeal, with a prize to be given to the Kea who raises the most money. The event will be held at Tawa School on Thursday 24th March at 5.30pm.

- The above was supplied by Tawa Keas prior to the event

- The above photo and following article were supplied after the event

We had fantastic weather on the Thursday for the Kea Bike-a-thon for Christchurch. In total the Keas raised $940 and cycled/scooted over 150km (657 laps) in just one hour. An awesome effort by the Keas and we hope that the money can be put to good use by the Red Cross for the people in Christchurch.

Thank you to the Tawa community for supporting the Tawa Keas with our Bike-a-thon for Christchurch fundraiser.

Pics in 2011  -  Pics in 2010 & earlier