Snow in Tawa!


   Listed in order of streets (alphabetically).
   Name of individual who contributed photo is given, along with their comments.

  BALLIOL DRIVE (1) - Ann Woolston

  BALLIOL DRIVE (2) - Ann Woolston

  BISHOPS GLEN - Armajit Kaur

  1,2,3. James Fahey
  4. Malcolm Sparrow. My place under snow.

  CHESTER ROAD (1) - Chris Drowley. The outdoor garden railway has been temporarily closed due to snow.

  1 & 2. Mike Mune. Taken from our lounge at 1 Chester Rd.
  3. Jean. At the back of our house.

  CHESTER ROAD (3) - Veronika Madlung

  1. Ross Armstrong. Coates Street.
  2. Ross Armstrong. From the backyard.
  3. Ross Armstrong. Towards Linden School - from our bedroom window.
  4. Fiona Russell. Our backyard - before the snowball fight with the kids next door.

  COLLINS AVE - Paul Langham. From my house at the top of Collins Ave.

  FYVIE AVE (1) - Andrea Melhop
  1. Victoria.
  2. Our neighbour taking a photo of us.
  3. With our neighbours.
  4. Looking down onto Tawa/Linden.

  1 & 2. Andrea Melhop. Playing noughts and crosses on the street.
  3 & 4. Toni Stoker.

  1. Dave Gennard.
  2. Peter Cagney. Looking towards the north from my sundeck.
  3 & 4. Brian Abel. Snow shots taken at 22 Fyvie Avenue.

  FYVIE AVE (4) - Graeme Hansen

  1. Martin Garcia. Looking across to corner of Fitzwilliam Terrace - from 9 Gonville St.
  2. Martin Garcia. Looking towards Fitzwilliam Terrace and Oriel Ave - from 9 Gonville St.
  3. Wendy Holden. Simon Holden on the left, Liam Pledger on the road and Rachel Holden on the right - from the St Johns Tce end of Gonville St.
  3. Wendy Holden. Looking towards Fitzwilliam Tce and Oriel Ave - from 2 Gonville St.


  GREYFRIARS CRES (1) - Donna O'Connor

  1. Yvonne Denton. Looking north down the street.
  2. Malcolm Sparrow. As viewed from Brasenose Place on Monday afternoon, with snow-covered hills in the background.

  KERERU BEND - Chris Mackerell. A suitably dark & gloomy [shot] from Kereru Bend during the power cut on Sunday night.

  KIWI CRES - Tina Elsdon. From my address on Kiwi Cres.

  LUPIN TCE - Jean & Gary Hollier
  1. Zoe trying some deck skiing.
  2. Corner of Lupin Tce and Spicer Place.
  3. Our house, impersonating an English Xmascard.

  LARSEN CRES - Grace Almario. At the top of Larsen Crescent.

  LYNDHURST ROAD - Rod Clubley. My wife Melanie Clubley and our dog Noodle.

  1. Shona Murray. The corner of Main Road & Fyvie Ave.
  2. Shona Murray. Snow Garden.
  3. Shona Murray. Our Winter Wonderland Garden.
  4. Rod and Ana Doronila.

  MAIN ROAD - SOUTH (1) - Mark Lester. "We had a lot of fun with snowball fights, etc."

  MAIN ROAD - SOUTH (2) - Malcolm Sparrow
  1. Main Road at the southern end of Tawa looking northwest shortly after 8am Monday.
  2. The intersection of the Main Road and Sunrise Boulevard.

  NGATITOA ST - Pauline Quinn
  1. Daughter and dog looking out the window - novelty of once-in-a-lifetime snow has worn off for them after an hour.
  2. Our lane in Ngatitoa St - Quinn family after walking into Tawa shops where there were lots of cars driving around covered in snow.

  NUFFIELD ST - John Sherborne. Looking up towards Redwood Bush above Peterhouse St from Nuffield St.

  1. Anna Heyward. "Austria or Tawa?"
  2. Anshu Prasad. From my house at 17 Oriel Ave.
  3 & 4. Catherine Barnes. Taken from our place at 1 St Annes Square.

  1 & 2. Nick Hewer-Hewitt.
  3. Cherie Sullivan. "How amazing it is for the kids! Just perfect."
  4. Malcolm Sparrow. View northwest along Oriel Ave, in the direction of Colonial Knob.

  Peterhouse St to Woodman Drive

  Snow in Tawa introductory page

Pics in 2011  -  Pics in 2010 & earlier