Overflow at Takapu Road Station carpark

There's no denying that there aren't enough spaces in the carpark at Takapu Road Station for the number of people wanting to park their cars there. The Tawa Community Board commented on this in its recent submission to the Greater Wellington Regional Council and asked that the council look at "... organising further park and ride facilities in areas badly needing more space".

It is an issue which is not going to go away. The community board is well aware that parking is a problem at two or three stations in Tawa. The photos here show the "overflow" at Takapu Road Station on one day late in May 2012.

[Click on pics to enlarge].

Cars parked on the grass. There used to be a sign on the pole prohibiting parking on the grass, but as it's no longer there, presumably it's okay to park there.
Part of the main parking area. The car on the end (far left) is parked on yellow lines. There's often a car parked in that particular spot.
Cars parked legally along the length of Boscobel Lane.
Carpark at Willowbank Reserve. The cars in this shot are parked in the P120 minute area which is designed for Willowbank Reserve users.
Cars parked up Sunrise Boulevard, sometimes to the annoyance of residents there. Most cars are parked legally and are therefore entitled to be there. However some aren't, including the one parked across the footpath in this shot. It may have been there only temporarily with its driver dropping something off because there was no other available parking nearby. Presumably it wasn't parked like that all day!
Cars parked on the road heading up to Takapu Island where a new supermarket is due to be built.

Pics in 2012  -  Pics in 2011  -  Pics in 2010 & earlier