Rayz Roadshow
Friday evening, October 17, 2003

Ray is a brilliant entertainer whose shows are enjoyed by both adults and kids alike. Club Intermed combined with the other local intermediate-age groups on the night and, first off, watched a short video which showed the highlights of 'Kids Games' in which most of us had taken part in the first term of this year.

Three or four kids were invited in turn to take up Ray's challenge to go 30 seconds on stage without answering yes, no, or maybe, etc to the various questions he asked them. None quite made it, getting squirted instead! In the course of performing various stunts he emphasised how important it is to have the right kind of friends, not ones who might cause us to get into trouble. Bad choices in life can have serious effects for many years to come.

His 'grandad' joined him in a very entertaining conversation - see the last pic in the first row below. And he (Ray) impressed us all with convincing sound imitations - that of a steam train leaving the station, a vintage car chugging along complete with horn and all, etc. Any who missed the show missed a real treat!

The evening was rounded off with supper and a couple of boisterous games in the hall - as in the second row of pics.

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Page compiled October 2003