This community newsletter is compiled every month or so on behalf of, Tawa's community website since 2002.


A number of items in this newsletter have been featured previously. They're being repeated not because we lack originality (well, we hope that's not the case) but because of their 'importance', especially the Emergency Preparedness Presentation mentioned immediately below .....

Local body elections - which include electing members to the Tawa Community Board - are taking place right now. You should have received your voting papers in the mail within the last day or so. It's a 'postal vote' which concludes on Saturday 9 October.

If you value having a community board in Tawa - and there's no doubt we would be the poorer without the board - please exercise your democratic right and VOTE!

P.S. Your voting papers also include elections for Mayor, Northern Ward councillors, Health Board and Regional Council.

Long-time Tawa resident Brenda Stickley recently graduated as a Feldenkrais¨Practitioner and is teaching classes in this method at the Linden Social Centre. If you find that pain, stiffness and movement limitations are affecting your ability to enjoy your life and do the things you want to do, or you just want to move and feel better, then you may be interested in joining one of the five classes. By developing a greater awareness about what you do, and how you do it, it is possible to improve your coordination, balance, and strength. The lessons are fun, and safe - they are about comfort, ease and quality of movement. Any age and physical ability can benefit. For more information, contact Brenda at 232 9364 or

The Linden Tennis Club is looking for new members. We are known as the friendly club, so please come and join us. Senior Club Day is held on Sundays @ 2.30pm, Night Tennis on Wednesdays @ 7pm and Mid-week tennis is on Tuesdays @ 9.30am. Membership fees are $85 for Senior and $70 for Mid-week. Please phone Gail on 232 4794 or Bev on 232 4114 or else just arrive at any of the above times.

A "Community Education Needs" Survey is taking place until 30 September 2010. To provide input an online survey is available until 30 September at:

The aim of the research is to expand the range of courses available. Anyone providing feedback (either individually, or on behalf of a group) will, separately, be eligible to enter a draw to attend a free class of your choice in 2011 at Tawa College Community Education (materials fee is not included).

"Spring into Tawa" Market Day took place on Saturday 11 September. The rain stayed away which meant that the crowds didn't. As a result it was a very successful occasion with around 60 stalls all up. Several community groups have reported that it was very 'profitable' for their stalls with takings of $300-400 (each).

On top of that we are very pleased to report that the Rotary Club of Tawa - whose members wandered around with collection buckets requesting donations for the Canterbury Earthquake appeal - raised a total of $540 on the day. Rotary Club members dug into their own pockets to raise another $400. A very pleasing response all up from Tawa people! Thank you.

Photos from Spring into Tawa can be seen at

In case you weren't paying attention and missed all the publiciity, "Tawa Goes to Town" took place on Thursday evening of last week. It involved around 700 well-rehearsed participants (primary, intermediate & college students, plus an adult choir, musicians, and a heap of dancers/performers), as well as almost 1600 in the audience.

It goes without saying that it was a great show and enjoyed by 'all'. Here's some of the feedback received by the organisers:

"Congratulations on a fantastic evening on Thursday. Having not been to the last few festivals, I'd forgotten how amazing they are and I can only imagine the hours and hours of work you put in to making them such memorable events."

"I thoroughly enjoyed myself and it was a pleasure to be in such great company and amongst so many talented musicians."

"We took our 9 year old granddaughter who attends ......... school [outside Tawa] and I think she wishes her parents lived at Tawa!"

"Really enjoyed being a part of it all, still have the songs going round in our heads and probably will for a long time."

Thanks to all those involved in any way - all the singers, the dancers, stagehands, etc, etc, and especially to Murray Cameron (producer), Shona Murray (musical director), Sara Scott (choreographer), and Martin Burdan (piano man). What a team! There are a couple more photos at the bottom of this newsletter.

The little item at left is from a recent Hubbards' (the cereal making people) 'Clipboard'. In case you can't read the wording, it says: "Congratulations to Geraldine Canham-Harvey who suggested the name 'Kubby' for the Hubbards Kea." There doesn't seem to be a whole lot more information given. Presumably the prize isn't an all-expenses paid trip to Rarotonga or similar.

Neither does it state the hometown of the winner. However we do know that a certain Geraldine Canham-Harvey happens to live in Tawa. Assuming she's the winner in question, well done! And hopefully Hubbards has more than just praise for her efforts!

The noticeboard at Woolworths Tawa announces the winner of their recent Grocery Hamper raffle as ticket holder no. 93, Sara Scott. We don't have it confirmed that this is the Sara Scott mentioned in the item above as the choreographer at "Tawa Goes to Town" but, assuming it is, congratulations to her. A worthy winner considering all the time and effort she put into the choreography ("the design or arrangement of a staged dance") for the festival.

Stylish simple food that doesn't cost a fortune - come to an evening with Sophie Gray of destitute gourmet (dg), brought to you by Redwood School PFG. In the Redwood School Hall on Wednesday 22 September at 7pm.

Sophie will introduce you to her approach to food - stylish, simple food that doesn't cost a fortune and will be enjoyed by everyone from fussy children to your 'foodie' friends. Sophie has featured on TV1's 'Good Morning' and 'Sunday' as well as presenting at the Food Show. She also writes for several magazines. Tickets are $35 and available from the school office on 232 7704. Get in quickly as places are limited.


Malcolm Sparrow
On behalf of
232 5030 A/H or 027 232 2320

"Forgive your enemies - if you can't get back at them any other way." - Franklin P Jones

"In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours." - Mark Twain

"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." - Sam Ewing


This page is emailed as a community newsletter to more than 900 Tawa households, businesses, schools, churches and clubs/groups (anyone who has an interest in the community of Tawa) every month or so. If there's anything you'd like to include in the next newsletter, please let us know. If you do not already receive the newsletter by email and would like to do so, please contact us at requesting that your name be added to our list.

Earlier community newsletters