Year 8s Farewell
Friday evening, December 3, 2004

It was a special Club Intermed evening held at Robyn's place to farewell the Year 8 kids who will no longer be with us next year. We dined on pizza, listened to Daryl (the Youth leader) telling us how good it would be for all these kids to carry on into Youth Group next year, filled out a form answering a few questions about Club Intermed this past year, and then dined on ice cream.

An indoor game was followed by the 'water balloon throw' outside - as seen in the middle row of photos below. And then it was indoors again for the 'water pistol shootout' before Robyn gave us a short talk about affirming/encouraging others (in the way that Jesus did with people), and that led to all of us writing positive comments about other individuals in the room on cards which were passed around. A very pleasant evening with 22 kids there. For the record, all of them (except for one) will be going on to Tawa College next year.

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Page compiled December 2004