Christmas holiday 2002 at Christine & Murray's farm near Te Aroha in the Waikato - page 3

Rotorua way on the Saturday
(and a handful of shots after that)

Candidates ready to be towed behind Brian's boat at Lake Okareka (near Rotorua) Nana with her three youngest grandchildren
Our posie on the lakeside A conference in the middle of the lake
Coming in to shore - Nicola at forefront of the action Back on shore, heavy concentration on a newly acquired game
Celebrating Nana & Pa's 50th wedding anniversary - actually January 17th, but we wouldn't all be together on that date On the coach ('waka' as our driver called it) en route to the Tamaki Maori Village - the surprise occasion planned for Nana & Pa
Maori song/chant at the outdoor village Indoor entertainment, the honorary 'chiefs' sitting in the front row of the audience
The grandkids sitting down to dinner at the Tamaki Maori Village Getting their meals - Pa helping himself to kumara (Maori sweet potato)
The 'grown-ups' at dinner Nana & Pa and their four 'youngsters'
The whole gang - 9 adults, 12 kids (not including Karen taking the photo) The grandchildren in order of age - 22 down to 9
An early 21st for Amber -
opening some of her presents
Haka performed by our drivers
Back on the farm, the cows after being milked on the Sunday afternoon - Mt Te Aroha in the background Kelly cooling herself down on a rather warm Sunday afternoon
Nana & Pa at their best On the way home on the Monday - view of Mt Ruapehu through the windscreen of the car

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Compiled early January 2003