Friday evening, June 13th, 2003, and we started our Club Intermed programme with fish & chips in the hall. It was one of those occasions when we had no idea how many kids were likely to turn up to make their own desserts. Realistically we expected it would be somewhere in the region of 25-35. As it turned out there were 45, the biggest number we've had to any event yet! We split into 8 groups of five or six (or in one case, seven) and then walked over to the supermarket to choose the ingredients for desserts. Each group (under the guidance of an adult or college student leader) was given $14 to spend, not a cent more, in addition to their own bag of "Kool Fruits" with which to decorate their concoctions. It was entirely up to them how they spent the money, but the aim was to prepare the most appealing and colourful dessert. Ice cream was one of the most popular options but a lot of other interesting (and tasty) bits & pieces went into the mix.

Although it wasn't easy choosing one dessert above the others, the one which "appealed" most to the judges was that presented by group 6. Groups 1 & 4 were given 2nd= placing. Still others were very close behind and, as you can see in the pics below, most of them look rather impressive and tasted pretty good when the kids finally got their chance to hoe into them!

Making selections at the supermarket

Preparing the desserts back at the hall


Groups 1 & 2

Groups 3 & 4

Groups 5 & 6

Groups 7 & 8

Time to eat .....

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