Neighbours' Weekend in Tawa

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. Click for details of Colonial Grove in 2012 .

Colonial Grove

Held on Sunday 24th March, 2013

About 20 people including children and babies came to celebrate together and to catch up.

Thanks to the Roberts family who played hosts to us on their beautiful new huge deck with a marvellous wooden swing chair. Ian cooked a roast leg of lamb and roast potatoes on his new barbecue. Everyone brought something along to share. Good to meet the new neighours Nigel and Katherine from Woodman Drive.

We discussed tips about the water shortage, encouraging everyone to have shorter showers with bucket in shower box, and to use some of the old water we have stored for years to water gardens. Ian has a pipe running under his house that has water running through from a spring in the hills behind. He uses that to water his gardens and offered anyone else to come down and get some. He has had the council come through to test the water. Hasn't got result yet.

After discussion on what we would do in an emergency, we decided we would help one another pool resources, staying and coping in our own homes for as long as possible.

Good to hear how the children are doing in school, their future plans etc.

A good time was had by all, thanks to the Tawa Community Board for providing street sign and balloons. Great idea having street sign up, reminded people about the event. New arrivals saw it and told us they were coming even if we didn't invite them!

- Elaine Harvey