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Pembroke St (upper)
Held on Saturday 23rd March, 2013
The upper Pembroke St BBQ was held today, Saturday 23 March. We had a good turnout of 28 people from 12 households plus two workmen doing the ducting work for the high speed internet cabling. We had borrowed their cones to put across the street to stop the traffic. Everyone enjoyed themselves and this year we had some residents who were unable to attend last year's bbq.
This was a good opportunity to meet some of the new people in the street and to build neighbourhood contacts. It was suggested that we have another bbq just prior to Christmas.
One of the workmen was interested in this "bbq thing" and I later gave him the website for Neighbours' Day Aotearoa. He said that we would consider arranging one in his street.
A big thanks to the Weavers for the use of their front lawn.
- Doug Miller