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St Edmund Cres
Held on Sunday 10th March, 2013
The fantastic summer weather continued and the well attended BBQ - 40 to 50 people - was a great success.
My thanks go to the various residents (you know who you are) who played a part as follows:
- organising the fire engine, and providing various gear including chairs, BBQ (incl chef) and Gazebo etc
- supplying a driveway, BBQ and the 5 star chef Ramesh
- supplying the trestles
- our "Amazing Race" organisers for the innovative quiz they put together, prizes they supplied and certificates they awarded.
I also appreciated the presence of the Tawa Community Patrol car which silently cruises our streets after dark, helping to make Tawa a safe and secure place.
And thanks to all of you who came and for helping to make it a success.
- Bill Russell