This community newsletter is compiled every month or so on behalf of, Tawa's community website since 2002.

This is the precise wording from the WCC's Public Notices in yesterday's newspaper (Tuesday 2 November):

We (the Council) are designing a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians through Tawa, and are holding a public information meeting to tell residents about it.

The shared path generally follows the rail corridor and provides new footpaths on some of the streets from Willowbank Park to Kenepuru Railway Station. The route will also provide important cross-valley links, giving residents better access to community facilities such as schools, the Tawa Pool, local parks and the railway stations.

In conjunction with this proposal, Porirua City Council proposes to extend the northern end of the path so it will run from Kenepuru to Porirua Railway Stations.

The public meeting will be held at 7pm, Thursday 18 November, at the Tawa Community Centre. Come along to hear about the plan and how it might affect you. If you can't make the meeting but want to know more, go to

During the October school holidays, a group of mostly Tawa ladies, from Sara Scott's "Shake the Fat" exercise class (held at the Tawa Community Centre on Thursday nights) travelled to Palmerston North to enter the DanceNZmade competition. We were in the Masters section and were thrilled to win our section. We are now the DanceNZmade Masters Champions 2010.

The photo was taken at the Regent Theatre in Palmerston North, just after we received our trophy.

Back Row: Alexandra Rumbal, Carol Freeman, Sara Scott, Trena Sharpes, Sue Cayless
Front Row: Linda Lee, Ro Teaz, Lisa Love, Deb Mills, Christine Farnell

Redwood scouts are looking for some properties to tidy up on Thursday 11 November 7-9pm approx. It is part of their community service requirements. Ideally they are looking for elderly residents (or those that are so busy working for the community they don't have time to get everything done) who would like a hand with gardening and weeding, etc.

If you fit in the above categories and would like some work done around the house (no charge of course), email

If you're senior or disabled or genuinely need a hand with work that needs doing at your place, then read on. Around 290 year 10 Tawa College students will be working in the local community on 30 November and 1, 2, 3 December. The students will be accompanied by staff members and will be perfect candidates for gardening, cleaning, picking up rubbish, painting fences, or any variety of labour that you might need doing. There's no cost involved - this is simply an exercise in "community service" within the Tawa basin.

This will be the third year this project has been undertaken. For details of last year's effort, see".

To book students to help at your place, phone the Tawa Community Centre on 232 1682 or email the organiser at the College, Gary de Villiers, on Please supply your name, address, phone no, what work you need doing, and which day or days suit best. First in, first served.

Tawa Linden Plunket is considering organising two new coffee groups - one for dads and the other for younger parents. If you think this is a good idea and would be interested in joining either group, please let us know. You can give Lynsey a call on 232 1438 or email

We're also considering organising a "multiples" coffee group as there's a bit of a multiple birth explosion in progress in the area at present. Watch this space!

This year's Tawa Community Christmas Parade will take place on Saturday 4 December at 2pm.

As in previous years the parade will start at Tawa School grounds, proceed up the Main Road to Surrey Street then back along Oxford Street to Tawa School. Floats, bands, vintage cars, clowns and fairies, community groups, retailers, sports clubs and anyone else wishing to have a presence in Tawa's Parade can participate.

Tawa Lions would love to hear from enthusiastic community groups who wish to be part of this fun parade. Anyone wanting further information can contact Mike Baker 232 6406 or Ken Coad 232 2475. We would especially like to hear from Tawa children who would like to participate and dress up on the day in clowns and other fantasy costumes. Kids up to 12 years old would be most welcome to contact Tawa Lions so they can be part of the event.

Tawa Lions could not be involved with this annual event without the support of Mexted Motors, Tawa School, Mana Community Grants Foundation and the Wellington City Council, all of whom contribute funds and/or services, plus all the local volunteers on the day who ensure everything runs smoothly.

There's a "rogues gallery" of Tawa people featured on the TawaLink website. If you enjoy reading about other people in the Tawa community, there are profiles of more than 20 different local people at A further one is added every week.

The latest "celebrities" are Kieren Gera, Mitchell Bernard, Karen Pettigrew, and Ron Bichan. "Who on earth are they?" you may well ask. Take two minutes to read each of their "2 Minutes with ..." profiles and you'll find out!

"When I think about Tawa I think about a small community that isn't too small that everybody knows everybody, but small enough that everyone has a connection with someone. There's not an exclusive feel to Tawa. It's such a good place to grow up in."
- Kieren Gera, Tawa College head girl 2010

The new Tawa Community Board will comprise Cr Ngaire Best, Graeme Hansen, Cr Justin Lester, Margaret Lucas, Chris Reading, Malcolm Sparrow, Alistair Sutton, and Robert Tredger.

Celia Wade-Brown, the new Mayor (in case you haven't been paying attention), will formally induct these fine individuals onto the Tawa Community Board at their first official meeting at 7pm on Thursday 11 November in the Boardroom at the Tawa Community Centre.


Wednesday 3 November November Notes
Friday 5 November Guy Fawkes Night (and 50 days till Christmas)
Sunday 7 November St Francis Xavier School Fair
Wellington Male Voice Choir - public fundraising Concert
Tawa Orchestra Concert (see flyer below)
Thursday 11 November Tawa Community Board inauguration ceremony
Saturday 13 November Peter Dunne clinic
Brian Webb Kindergarten garage sale
Thursday 18 November Tawa Shared Path public meeting
Tawa Central Kindergarten craft fair
Saturday 20 November Greenacres School Mad Hatters' gala (see flyer below)
Tawa Community Centre pot luck meal
Saturday 27 November Tawa Adult & Community Education Exhibition
Tawa School fair
Saturday 4 December St Christopher's summer fair
Tawa Lions Christmas parade
Tuesday 7 December Tawa Rotary carols

Full details of the above are available at


Malcolm Sparrow
On behalf of
232 5030 A/H or 027 232 2320

"Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is." - Elbert Hubbard

"You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers." - John J Plomp

"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once." - Lillian Dickson


This page is emailed as a community newsletter to more than 900 Tawa households, businesses, schools, churches and clubs/groups (anyone who has an interest in the community of Tawa) every month or so. If there's anything you'd like to include in the next newsletter, please let us know. If you do not already receive the newsletter by email and would like to do so, please contact us at requesting that your name be added to our list.

Earlier community newsletters