C L U B   I N T E R M E D
2002 pics - term 3

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Late Nighter  -  September 20th
We spent the first part of the evening at the Johnsonville pool, then dined on hot chips before
jumping back on the bus and heading off mid-evening for a game of 10-pin bowling. These pics feature
interesting "diving styles" at the pool, and action at the bowling alley. [Some are a little dark.]

The Pebbles or the Box  -  August 16th
They had to answer certain questions correctly before being given the choice of a bunch of pebbles
or the unknown prize in the box. Sometimes they were presented with a challenge like who could
finish a can of Coke first, or race teammates with legs tied, or blow up a balloon till it popped!

Meals on Wheels  -  July 19th
The church bus (and three cars) transported more than 30 of us to four burger restaurants
where we both ate and worked on our "Unscramble the names" sheets - as these pics show.

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