Courtenay Place was being closed off to vehicular traffic for much of Saturday and through to 8am Sunday. That was the place to be in the buildup to the actual match on Saturday evening (7.10pm kickoff), and afterwards as well. Although we wouldn't be going to the match, we caught the train into town mid-afternoon Saturday. It was full at that stage, with a few red jersey-wearers on board.
If the atmosphere in central Wellington wasn't quite what I'd expected it to be the previous day (perhaps being a little early in the piece), it more than made up for it on the Saturday afternoon. The place really was buzzing. People were everywhere, red jerseys en masse. We walked from the railway station along Featherston St and stopped at the team's hotel, the Inter-Continental. There was no shortage of Lions supporters in that neck of the woods. On to the Queen's Wharf area which was a hive of activity. From there along the waterfront to Courtenay Place.
I'm not sure that I can recall such an atmosphere leading up to a sports match in these parts. It was brilliant, and the small selection of photos here can't hope to do it justice. Nevertheless it's nice to look back on them and remember when the Lions - and their loyal supporters - were in town. [At the time of writing this, they've migrated to Auckland for the final matches of the tour. We look forward to seeing you all next time!]