The Open Day at the Tawa Community Centre is scheduled for Saturday, 22nd September, from 9.30am through to 2.30pm.

What's it all about?
A lot of people in Tawa get involved in a lot of fun activities in an average week. This is a chance for all those clubs/groups (and whoever else) to let the community see what those activities are. Performances/demonstrations and static displays on the big day will "showcase the talent in Tawa".

What else?
Everyone will have the opportunity to see through the Community Centre itself. And out on the street there'll be a few games and activities taking place.

What about food?
Over the lunch hour food will be available from a number of stalls, with several likely to be of the "ethnic variety".

Who's it for?
The whole Tawa community. There'll be enough happening so that everyone will find something of interest to them. A lot of amazing talent will be on display. And certain enthusiasts are even intending to set up a model train display.

What's this about a waterballoon-catching competition?
It's true! Out on the street we'll be initiating Tawa's first annual waterballoon-catching contest. That'll start between 1.30-2pm with a trophy up for grabs.

Will the Mayor be there?
Well, yes, she will. Proceedings will begin with one or two items before Kerry Prendergast takes centre stage at 10am to unveil a plaque commemorating the official opening of the Community Centre.

How many groups will be involved?
More than 60 clubs/groups and ethnic communities are taking part on the big day - many of those with static displays, but a good number involved in performances or demonstrations.

Will you keep us posted?
Sure will. Click here for an up-to-date schedule of events.

Tawa Community Centre   |   Inside the Centre   |   This week at the Centre
Open Day Sept 2007 pics   |   Open Day programme   |   Opening Day May 07