December 16th - 2005 Finale
December 9th - Farewell for Year 8s
Get-together for those moving on from Club Intermed. 10 kids plus leaders at Robyn's place.
November 25th - Taking You for a Ride
We finally made it to Aotea Lagoon after our previous attempts had been foiled by the weather. We had chartered the train (which gives rides around the perimeter) for an hour but, unfortunately, it had derailed when it was being given a trial run before our arrival. So we didn't get to go on that!
Most of the kids had brought their own wheels - roller blades, skateboards, etc - which kept them entertained and meant they could move around more quickly in finding answers to a questionnaire we gave them, all relevant to where we were - like "The Aotea Railway runs from when to when on a Sunday?"
November 11th - Bbq & Water-time at Willowbank
October 28th - Games Nite in the Hall
October 14th - Streets of Tawa Quest
September 23rd - Late Niter
Mini-golf at Pirate's Cove for starters and a DVD back at the church hall. We dropped everyone off home between 11pm and midnight.
September 9th - It's in the Box
The Pebbles or the box - an old favourite.
August 26th - Food 2 Go
On the train into Wellington where we visited 3 burger joints and ate a small amount at each.
August 12th - Nite 224
Games in the hall.
July 29th - An Ice Nite
July 8th - Just Desserts
For details and pics, click here.
June 24th - Show Your True Colours
June 10th - Out for Dinner
Progressive Dinner with three venues and 32 kids.
May 27th - Hall (instead of Streets of Tawa)
May 13th - Black & White Nite
April 30th - Stadium Outing
For details and pics, click here.
April 15th
Special end-of-term Event
For details and pics, click here.
April 1st - Chocoholics Dream Nite
44 kids indulging their sweet tooth (or should that be teeth?)
March 18th - Eggs 'n' Crosses
March 4th
Excursion to Karori Wildlife Sanctuary
For details and pics, click here.
February 18th - Pool Outing
February 11th - Games in the Hall
This replaced our proposed beach trip. 52 kids on the night.